Muratie Newsletter

Dear friend of Muratie

It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the 8th month of the year. The year seems to have passed by in a haze.

In spite of Being caught up in all the doom and gloom about global depression, global warming, labour unions wagging the dog and losing the Super 15, we at Muratie have been rather industrious, particularly on the marketing front...

Waterblommetjie Cook-Off in the Breede River Valley

Though it’s thought of as a weed in Australia, waterblommetjie is a beloved ingredient in South Africa, so much so that two wine estates in the Breede River Valley decided to hold a cook-off on the 17th of August. Du Toitskloof Wines and Muratie Wine Estate both cooked a Waterblommetjie bredie, with Du Toitskloof winning by just one point.


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